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Re: [FT] Jovian formation

From: Donald Hosford <hosford.donald@a...>
Date: Tue, 05 Oct 1999 23:23:34 -0400
Subject: Re: [FT] Jovian formation

Beth Fulton wrote:

> G'day guys,
> Just to through another "I know just enough astronomy to be dangerous"
> the mix....

(New Scientist stuff snipped)

> Bottom line, mathematicians get bored/awed and look for neat 'laws'
> everywhere (I've been guilty of that on a few long train trips) and as
> know more (n > 1 solar systems) we're going to have to re-write what
> know about planet formation anyway so just stick them little old
> where ever you damn well like ;)
> Cheers
> Beth

You mean we have will have to just make up something?  Fooy
science laws to base this on!  8D

Donald Hosford

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