Re: Carl G's and GMS Air
From: "Andrew Martin" <Al.Bri@x...>
Date: Sun, 3 Oct 1999 22:50:12 +1300
Subject: Re: Carl G's and GMS Air
Oerjan Ohlson wrote (about Carl Gustavs):
> Using IAVR stats for the current CG AT rounds in DSII should be OK.
The warhead is more powerful than 2 chits, but OTOH IAVRs don't roll to
hit so you get about the right Pkill.
> However, if you bring the right ammo the CG can *also* be used as a
SAW (firing frag or flechette rounds), to lay smoke or to fire
illumination rounds. In DSII terms, a CG element is probably best
represented by an SAW element (with the normal integral IAVR) able to
fire smoke rounds up to some 16-20". Smoke rounds should be bought
separately at a cost of ~5 per round (due to the short range) per
Oerjan, would you also give the same range, about 16"-20", for the CG
antitank round? For DSII, the standard IAVR can only be fired in close
assault, as it has a range of only about 2" or 200 meters, IIRC.
Andrew Martin
Online @ 33,600 Baud!