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Re: Jets Vs Vtol

From: Los <los@c...>
Date: Thu, 30 Sep 1999 00:03:04 -0400
Subject: Re: Jets Vs Vtol

Sounds like a good rule. Also units that are within a close proximity of
enemy units receiving direct fire (or being fired through)  could also
subject to some check which may result in fratarcide. I happen to
that there will always be such incidents. It has as much to do with
in a keyed up chaotic state of affairs as it has to do with any
factors. The very nature of having so much data about everything at the
lowest levels on up ensures that we will never be able to grog it in a
timely manner. It actiually clogs up the machine (I've seen it happen
times at NTC/JRTC not to mention Desert Storm) Unless of course they
a new kind of human that can absorb all this info.


Andrew Martin wrote:

> Los wrote:
> > As an aside are there any Fratracide rules kicking around for DS?
> Not on my site. I've assumed that future information systems would be
> able to prevent that.
> As a thought though, one could assume that the roll for support is
> a check for possible fraticide. Rolling under the number required,
> could optionally mean that the support strike is targeted on a
> unit. Then if the incoming Aerospace or VTOL mission rolls under it's
> leadership number, the strike lands on a nearby, randomly selected,
> friendly unit? For Artillery, it would automatically on a friendly
> unit.
> Thoughts?
> Andrew Martin
> Online @ 33,600 Baud!
> -><-

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