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Re: From the Mouth of St. Jon the Oracle

From: devans@u...
Date: Tue, 28 Sep 1999 07:39:03 -0500
Subject: Re: From the Mouth of St. Jon the Oracle

And the saint himself sayeth:

To give you the full story on this, actually KR wants to get
this one quite badly, (...)

Actually, I'd pretty much heard this, and figured there was
plenty of tension about it already, and was hoping not to
add to it.

>Now, it's kind of a pity too that we couldn't get a 25mm moulding in
>Resin of Brian's kitbashed VTOL.
That said, building it was actually not that hard.

Easy enough for you to say. I tried to convert a 1/72 Hind.
Got a squat in the front after chopping his legs, and cutting
the canopy leaving only half of the first bubble in, and
putting the torso of a beakie-mark captain in place where
the rotors popped out. Was looking pretty good, but could
never decide exactly what to do with the rear end.

I cut off the tail, was going to put a rear gunner there,
but never got the thing figured out. Ended up giving it
to a braver modeller than I.

Of course, I'm rather well-known for great ideas never

;->= That should open the flood gates.


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