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Re: [OT] In defense of Aliens

From: Kelvin <kx.henderson@q...>
Date: Mon, 27 Sep 1999 08:23:38 +1000
Subject: Re: [OT] In defense of Aliens

>The assault rifles were indeed projectiles 10mm caseless with liek a 12

>gauge-sized grenade launcher.

>From the movie and the Aliens Colonial Marines Technical Manual:

10mm explosive-tipped caseless with 99 round capcity (only normally
to 95 rounds due to problems with jamming) with a 30mm under-over
pump-action greande launcher (4 round capacity).

>The big SAWs create a bit of confussion 
>however, being built off of German SAWs.  They are supposed to be
>weapons, which explain why all the gunners had to do is unplug a
coupling to 
>disarm.  The problem is that the ammo belts for the real world MGs sho
up in 
>some of the shots.

Nope.  According to the Aliens Colonial Marines Technical Manual again
someone mentioned eariler, a FANTASTIC book) the Smart Guns (M83 I
fire 10mm rounds similar to the Pulse Rifle rounds stored in an ammo
on the side of the gun and carried on a continuous belt inside the drum.
The "coupling" is the "DV9 Lithium Battery" which is used to power the
Pulse-action firing system I believe.  No battery, no shoot.


	 "Of course I'm paranoid!  
       Everyone's trying to kill me."	       

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