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Re: Grav Shields & M/E Shields

From: "Oerjan Ohlson" <oerjan.ohlson@t...>
Date: Sun, 26 Sep 1999 10:52:08 +0100
Subject: Re: Grav Shields & M/E Shields

Noam wrote:

> Gravitic Shields - Same function as normal screens, but works against
> particle, torp, or mass (i.e. RG) weapons/missiles/torpedoes only. 

Conflicting PSB. FT2 describes beams as *particle* beams, which would
make them vulnerable to these shields as well :-/

> Ship 
> with gravitic shields cannot fire particle weapons/missiles/torpedoes

See above.

> on turns the shields are active. Fighters treat shields as screens of
> same 
> level. Cost/mass/levels are  the same as screens. Missiles, SLMs, 
> Torps, receive -2 per die of damage per shield level (max level is

GS-1 stops 52% of the damage, GS-2 86% (unless we're talking SubPacks
for which the figures are 86% and 97% respectively, since they are
missiles but but read the dice as beams do). 

Normal screens stops 21% and 42% of incoming beam damage.

Well, it's a good way to survive SM hits :-/

>    Mass/Energy Shields (ME shield) - Trek type shield. System has 
> emitters and	generators generator costs 5% ship mass/level.
Emitters: > 360 degree coverage = 3 mass, 180 = 2 mass,  60 = 1 mass.
Acts as 
> screen against beam weapons. Reduces other damage by shield level.  >
If  a shield facing receives more damage than its level from a single 
> source (weapon, not ship), the emitter facing that direction makes a
> threshold check at current level.

Is it possible to have back-up emitters?


Oerjan Ohlson

"Life is like a sewer.
  What you get out of it, depends on what you put into it."
- Hen3ry

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