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Re: Commo Traffic and Direction Finding...

From: Roger Books <books@m...>
Date: Sat, 25 Sep 1999 20:46:17 -0400
Subject: Re: Commo Traffic and Direction Finding...

Michael Llaneza wrote:

> It would also be possible to bounce commo beams off of the natural
> (and much harder to destroy) satellites if they're in the sky.

Nifty, put a widget on the moon at a specific location.  When you
start communications you hit it with a laser and tell it where
you want to talk to, it fires a commo laser at the other party.
You can only detect it if you happen to be hit by the laser, pretty
unlikely, and even if it is detected the unmanned end on the moon
gets toasted.  You switch to backup #12 and keep on trucking. :)


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