Re: Commo Traffic and Direction Finding...
From: "Andrew Martin" <Al.Bri@x...>
Date: Sat, 25 Sep 1999 20:23:57 +1200
Subject: Re: Commo Traffic and Direction Finding...
Ryan Gill wrote:
> The thing about DSII is that it glosses over most Commo/Jamming
issues quite highly. One has to wonder given the general rule that
commos are very directional and hard to jam bears out truely. Perhaps
it would overly complicate the rules too much...
> Still it would be fun to have a track that rolls every turn and sees
if it can DF a particular target. If it does, he gets to pass a
firemission to the Med Artillery unit its attached to. Of course that
would make it really advisable to move that HQ track around all the
time...Perhaps only units that would have lots of traffic through them
would be vulnerable to DF. Platoon commanders, and Company commanders
on the table, as well as the lead track for Artillery bty's, and
naturally the Btn command track on the table. The Air defense and
Counter Battery Radar units would be asking for a DFed fire mission.
Have a look at my site here:
for DSII rules covering Direction Finders and Jammers.
Andrew Martin
Online @ 33,600 Baud!