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RE: How big is a troopship? [DS/FT/SG2] (and what it all means)

From: Michael Brown <mkkabrow@w...>
Date: Fri, 24 Sep 1999 22:25:23 -0700
Subject: RE: How big is a troopship? [DS/FT/SG2] (and what it all means)

But I bet the M68 (105L60) was not on the list.

"Gunner, SABOT, TANK!"

Michael Brown

-----Original Message-----
From:	Jon Davis 
Sent:	Friday, September 24, 1999 7:22 PM
To:	gzg-l@CSUA.Berkeley.EDU
Subject:	Re: How big is a troopship? [DS/FT/SG2] (and what it all

Ain't it the truth!  I asked Los an off-the-list question on behalf of
a coworker of mine regarding weapons recoil.  Los sent me a list of 
weapons he's fired, ranked unscientifically in increasing order of 
recoil.  It was a long list, but the davy crockett was not on there.


Michael Brown wrote:
> You get to play with all the fun toys :(
> Michael Brown
> BTW I recently fired a barrets at a weapons train up in Virginia.
Quite an
> experience. I was hitting man sized targets ouit to 1200m single shot
> previous record with 7.62mm M24 was 900.)  One problem with eth
barrets. It's
> too freaking heavy to be of much use in any but the most unusual
> (too bad I don't have PA.) It was almost as much fun as watching one
> round go ballistic ansd seeing the other explode at minimum safe
> distance (under 65m)
> Los

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