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Re: [OT] Honor Harrington miniatures

From: Roger Books <books@m...>
Date: Thu, 23 Sep 1999 17:02:15 -0400 (EDT)
Subject: Re: [OT] Honor Harrington miniatures

On 23-Sep-99 at 15:47, Thomas Pope ( wrote:
> Roger Books wrote:
> > 
> > My biggest problem so far has been the mental block dealing with the
> > size of these things.  Obviously you can't use the same scale that
> > the standard FT ships are, a 1.2KM ship doesn't really fit, and that
> > isn't even one of the big ones.
> Even more of a problem than the relative scale differences between HH
> and FT, there is a large difference in scales between the HH ships
> themselves.
> For my own reference, I made a sample size chart based on (mostly)
> canonical class sizes:

I don't see this as being any worse than the scale difference between
the FSE SDN and the FSE frigate.  Maybe I'm missing something?

It may be beyond my abilities to sculpt, but isn't as bad as I initially


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