Re: Sandcasters [My version]
From: Sean Bayan Schoonmaker <schoon@a...>
Date: Thu, 23 Sep 1999 07:53:01 -0700
Subject: Re: Sandcasters [My version]
>MY version of Sandcasters. Orginally meant as a Sa'Vasku weapon, and
>tentatively dubbed "The Crudcaster", but what the hey!
>One shot weapon, when fired it covers three adjascent fire arcs. No
>fire (inculding needles) through these arcs is possible, in either
>direction. Any fighter or SML attack through these arcs -- again, in
>either direction -- is hit with the eqivalent of 2 PDS shots. Plasma
>and FB Missiles are unaffected, just like Nova and Wave guns.
Why are Missiles uneffected if SMLs are?