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Re: FT:Battlestar Galactica Question

From: "Chip Dunning" <edunning@s...>
Date: Mon, 20 Sep 1999 10:17:13 -0400
Subject: Re: FT:Battlestar Galactica Question

This is all un-official information I believe, but it was posted and
on some newsgroups by people I have come to trust (as far as you can
any newsgroup). Since I don't know this loser's name I will refer to the
Director of the Wing Commander movie as <WCD> in my post below.

Basically, <WCD> got the writer of the BG stuff to sign on as a junior
partner to his vision of the BG movie (gave him some goodies, since
else was able to secure those rights). < WCD> went on to say what a big
budget this movie would have compared to WC. I guess one of the changes
that when the Vipers hit the turf they can change into "Walker" mode (I
about tossed my lunch at this prospect).
    Meanwhile, Richard Hatch has created a promo to sell the idea of a
series and possibly movie. I believe it ran at Dragon Con (Atlanta, GA).
However, <WCD> said he can make whatever he wants as long as he realizes
it's dead material - <WCD> claims he has all of the rights for
movie, toys, etc. It is a shame since people that saw Hatch's promo
indicated it was a solid idea.

Please note again this is all pasted from various emailings and posting
newgroups - so take it for what it's worth.

Programming: It's not just a job - it's an indenture

----- Original Message -----
From: <>
To: <gzg-l@CSUA.Berkeley.EDU>
Sent: Monday, September 20, 1999 9:45 AM
Subject: Re: FT:Battlestar Galactica Question

> In a message dated 99-09-20 09:29:09 EDT, you write:
> <<
>  Unfortunately I heard it is being done by the same bozo that
>  Wing commander movie. So, it will probably suck hard. Too bad.
>   >>
> Thats a shame. Any indication of a release date or any licenced
> GZG players could use for FT, DSII, SGII, etc? BTW: I know the
> Base Star were re-released by AMT (?). Can they be used with either
GZG or
> AoG ships?
> Thanks,
> Perry

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