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Re: FT cargo/aux ships.

From: Ryan M Gill <monty@a...>
Date: Sun, 19 Sep 1999 06:34:03 -0400 (EDT)
Subject: Re: FT cargo/aux ships.

On Thu, 19 Aug 1999, Michael Sarno wrote:

>     Great idea.  I came up with this one a few months ago.  It's the
> Class, as in Captain Wallace Binghamton<g>, Torpedo Boat (PT).  I can
only get
> the mass down to 10, not 6-8, and that's without the PDS that you
> Maybe I'm not handling the fractions right; I don't know.  Any
> Thanks.

(I'm just now getting around to this mail. I've been ignoring a block of

300 messages in my inbox from a while back....apolagies....)

Mike, I was missing the firecon and hadn't calculated things fully 
through. I believe that if you drop the thrust to 6 then you can include

a PDS wich gives you the slight anti ship capability. Or you can go for
single Class 1 batt, with a slight pds ancillary function. 

> Binghamton Class Torpedo Boat (PT)
> System	Mass	    Cost
> Hull		  10		    10
> Integrity	   1		    2
> Main Drive	4		 8
> Firecon	   1		    4
> Pulse Torp	4		 12
>					  36

Bingo, pretty much what I thought. What have you used for the figure? I 
took a bunch of the NAC scouts and trimmed down the front sides. I added

a bit of plastic round tube like bit to the bow as a nice Plasma torp 
emitter and vola, 6 PT boats. I've also hacked a CVL into the Mekong 
Delta class APT (PT boat Tender). 

130 Tonnes, 
Thrust 2
Integrety 26
1 Fighter Bay
1 Hanger bay 40 Cap
2 Cargo/passerger spaces
457 NPV

- Ryan Montieth Gill		DoD# 0780 (Smug #1) / AMA / SOHC -
-	    I speak not for CNN, nor they for me -
- -
- '85 Honda CB700S  -  '72 Honda CB750K  - '76 Chevy MonteCarlo  -

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