Re: FT manoevres
From: "Izenberg, Noam" <Noam.Izenberg@j...>
Date: Thu, 16 Sep 1999 14:11:59 -0400
Subject: Re: FT manoevres
I am at least one person who posted regarding 'emergency' and
alternative type maneuvers.
They're listed in the New Israel site Midbar Skunkworks :
But here they are for the list. Some are half baked (Hammer), some
won't work in all but some bizarre circumstnace (short range jump):
1.Redlined Engines - Engines can be redlined to produce 25% more thrust
maximum (round
total thrust down). All redlined engines take threshold check (at
current level). Multi-engine ships
can yellowline engines to produce 12.5% more thrust (ie 4
thrust 2 engines can produce
a total thrust of 9). Half of all yellowlined engines take a
2.Evasive Maneuvers - Reaction to fire. Can be ordered after a ship
declares maneuvering ship as
target of weapons. Cost is 2 thrust (ship must have left at least 2
thrust unspent when writing orders). Ship turns one point port or
engines take threshold
check. Incoming beam/torp fire gets -1 mod. Incoming missiles are
reduced by 1d6/2 (round down).
If maneuvering ship's weapons have not fired yet, its weapons
the same modifiers this turn.
Weapon modifier good only against the 1 ship / fighter melee /
attack (can be multiple
fighter groups and/or missile salvoes) that maneuvers are reacting
Multimple EM's may be
allocated in the same turn, each additional EM's threshold is
with an additional +1 modifier. A
thrust 1 ship that does not use its thrust for other purposes may
once with a +1 threshold roll.
3.Afterburners - Available only on mass 30 and smaller ships. Cost is
ship mass per 2 units
thrust. Cost 1pt/mass - round up for mass. Each Afterburner unit
bought is one thrust that can be
added on any turn to movement orders. Each unit used is crossed off
Afterburner. Afterburner
thrust is added to normal thrust, and max turn rate is determined
total. Afterburner can be used
for turning only, if desired - simply indicate afterburner use, but
don't use the extra thrust from main
drive. Afterburner as a whole takes any threshold roll, not each
If applied thrust exceeds 10 on
any turn, each crew unit rolls threshold. Units that fail are
out with their hull box. SSD
Symbol: Extra main drive symbol subdivided into as many boxes as
afterburner units.
4.Short-range jump - FTL jump in combat. No main drive thrust turn
or after (turning is
allowed). Can jump up to Thrust *10" in straight line from last
endpoint. Next turn's velocity is
same as pre-jump turn. Jump error is random direction, 1d6/2*Thrust
factor used, -2 for enhanced
sensors, -4 for special sensors. Can't fire on turn of jump.
take threshold check, FTL will be
off line for the rest of the combat (No FTL disengage).
5.Schrodinger's Hammer Overdrive - Modification to standard FTL,
increases cost and mass by
25%. When the SHO is activated, the ship plots 2 different
Both can be anything within
normal maneuver capabilities of the ship. Until the ship acts
(fires/launches, active scans, etc) it _is_
in both places at the same time. When it fires, the probable
collapses into the single actual
location of the player's choice. While it is in its dual state, it
be fired upon in either location as if
it were in both places at the same time. After probability has
collapsed, it is only in the one location.
Effect can sustain for multiple turns, until ship acts (scans,
launches fighters, etc.). If ship
receives damage while in duality, roll 2d6 at end of turn. A roll
of 2
or 12 means ship vanishes in a
probabilistic anomaly, as if it never existed. If FTL is damaged
in duality, Ship is destroyed.
SSD symbol: Double wave inside FTL drive symbol.
6.Side-Slip - Common house rule - allows 2+ point turn to be port
starboard (or opposite).
7.High Maneuverability Engines (HME) - Mass and cost are 50% more
normal engines of
like thrust. Ship may use all thrust for turning. Example: A ship
Thrust 4 HME engines costs the
same as ships with normal thrust 6 engines, but the HME can turn
degrees, whereas the normal
ship can only turn 90 degrees. SSD Symbol: Diamond sitting on tip
engine symbol.