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Re: Background?

From: Roger Books <books@m...>
Date: Wed, 15 Sep 1999 09:01:01 -0400 (EDT)
Subject: Re: Background?

I'm not sure that background is as important as is being stated here.
In the non-brainwashed (dirty-minded?) group the big games seem to
be GZG stuff for sci-fi and Fantasy Rules! for fantasy.  FR! doesn't
have ANY background, and until I joined the list I wasn't terribly
impressed with the GZG background, it seemed to be more a "here's
something to work with until you find something of your own" kind
of thing.

My guess is we are running into two camps, those that are treating
these games as an overblown roleplaying game, and those that are
into wargaming.

Don't get me wrong, there is nothing wrong with the rpg people 
(I wrote my own fantasy rpg, I used to run traveller, and I am
now gearing up for a champions game), but there are many of us
to whom creating our own background is half the fun.

Roger (who loves to walk up to a historical wargame and say,
       "You should drop your fireball right here" just to see
       the expresion on their faces.)

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