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Re: What's a moto-tool?

From: Sean Bayan Schoonmaker <schoon@a...>
Date: Mon, 13 Sep 1999 20:15:43 -0700
Subject: Re: What's a moto-tool?

>I take it what you are suggesting is take say 18 gauge wire and wrap
>it in a sort of cadeuscis or spiral fashion with something like say 22
>gauge wire? Then take this whole and form either the rolls for
>concertina or the straight runs for barbed?

Exactly so.

>And what is a moto-tool? Describe it and suggest where I might find
>one, if you please! Thanks!

In this case a multi-speed drill of any sort will do. Dremel's lowest
setting is sadly too fast, but your average houshold drill with multiple
speeds is most excellent.

Mount the large gauge wire in the bit and hold the spool of smaller
stuff onto it as it turns around; works great, and allows you to make
of the stuff in a short time. For new wire, no painting required.
Otherwise, paint black and drybrush silver and rust.


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