From: "Thomas Barclay" <Thomas.Barclay@s...>
Date: Fri, 10 Sep 1999 11:42:03 -0400
Subject: Images
Hey all,
I need some help (for those who know me, that was not a lead in to
some sarcastic jab!) from the list.
I'm putting together an HTML version of my lead in for a multiple-ref
scenario (SG2) at GZG-ECC III. Surprisingly, the lead in is a
full-thrust style story and I'd like some JPG or GIF graphics to embed
of any of the following:
1. NSL Wahlberg class DD
2. FSE Ibizia class FF
3. NSL Ehrenhold class FF
Perhaps one of the renders someone has done lately? If anyone has one
of these ships available, please mail me offlist with the JPG, GIF or
with the URL to same (and of course, this assumes permission is
granted for use - if not, no point in mailing is there? *grin*). Due
credit will be ascribed in the document. To quote a western of a few
years back "I'll make you famous!".
Thomas Barclay
Software UberMensch
xwave solutions
(613) 831-2018 x 3008