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Re: SFSFW FT Tournament

From: Tony Francis <tony@g...>
Date: Thu, 09 Sep 1999 10:45:22 +0100
Subject: Re: SFSFW FT Tournament

Tim Jones wrote:

> >> Are the Brigade ships balanced though Tony?
> >
> >Not quite sure what you mean ...
> Are the designs balanced so that against say the FB NAC the
> SEMFed don't always win/lose.

No, the designs haven't been analysed to that extent. None of the
designs are
particularly excessive or cheesy and there are no killer super-ships.
The SemFed
designs don't have any particular designs traits but instead use a real
of stuff - beams from class1-4, torpedoes, SMLs, fighters - so they
shouldn't be
particularly over powerful or vulnerable against any opponent.

> >One very important point here - Bifrost is NOT a members-only
> >closed meeting, but a normal, open-to-all-comers gaming show. You
don't have
> >to be a society member to get in (although you will have to pay the
> >fee - members
> >don't)

> Its the paying bit I hoped to avoid

I don't think the entrance fee will be any more than £2 or so. I'm sure
you can
stretch to that ;-)

> >wipe the floor against all-comers, Tim !
> Muahaha.

Calm down ....


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