Conversion Factors for Full Thrust, DirtSide II and StarGrunt II
From: "Phillip Pournelle" <emisle@e...>
Date: Mon, 6 Sep 1999 21:12:53 -0400
Subject: Conversion Factors for Full Thrust, DirtSide II and StarGrunt II
I've been trying to build a system for smooth transition from Full
Thrust to DirtSide II and StarGrunt. Now with the FMA system out, I
think I've got a working solution.
I'm reasonably satisfied that the Space conversion from DirtSide II
to FTFB rules are 1 MASS = 25 CC. This is based on the idea that a
specialized fighter built for ground attack would be Mass 1 and size
three in StarGrunt (see attack fighter in DirtSide II page 53). It
comes to 15CC, but it has to fit inside something and be repairable. to
place a unit inside another you need cc space equal to 8/5 * size in CC.
Size 3 * 8/5 * 5 cc per Size = 24. Call it 25 for a working number.
Okay now let's try for a conversion for cost. Take this specialized
attack fighter from DirtSide for a cost of 274 plus at least one DFO for
300. In Full Thrust other specialized fighters cost 6 points apiece.
300/6 = 50. Therefore the conversion factor for 1 Full Thrust to
DirtSide II is 1 FT point = 50 DSII points.
Previously I've published my ideas for point costs in StarGrunt
being on the same scale system as DirtSide. However, Jon has published
some point costs for FMA that we can work from. We can then use this
same system for StarGrunt.
FMA states that a regular trooper armed with a an assault rifle and
Partial Light Armor (D6) cost 59 points. Give him 1 IAVR for 46 and 1
hand grenade for 22 and you get a total of 127 points. A standard Line
squad in DSII costs 20 points for 4 to 5 men. Lets take that cost and
divide by 4. 5 points per guy. We get a nice conversion factor for 1
DirtSide II point is equal to 25 points of FMA points for use in FMA or
These should be useful numbers to assist those trying to build a
campaign system that spans these games. We should all bear in mind
Jon's admonition to not power game and pencil whip these factors. No
scenario will ever be completely balanced just because the point factors
are equal. But it does give you the ability to gauge how a game should
go. You should give the attacker 2 to 3 times as many points to attack
a dug in defender, etc.
Okay, we can use this to examine how to integrate Ortillery into
DirtSide II. An Ortillery Battery has a mass of 3 and costs 9 FT
points. We can reasonable convert that each mass of an Ortillery unit
is one battery of Heavy Artillery (18 CC and costs 200 DS points). Its
rough but just assume that an Ortillery battery is three Heavy Artillery
Units. All Ortillery units fire GENERAL POURPOSE rounds. I'd actually
make the cost equal to 4 * mass...