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15mm SG2 (was Re: Modern 25mm)

From: agoodall@i... (Allan Goodall)
Date: Fri, 03 Sep 1999 01:42:15 GMT
Subject: 15mm SG2 (was Re: Modern 25mm)

On Wed, 1 Sep 1999 23:02:31 -0700 (PDT), Brian Burger

>I use 15mm for SG2, exclusively. The games aren't actually any larger
>a 25mm game - we still use 1inch=10meters - but it looks bigger becuase
>the figs are smaller. Less cluttered, esp. with vehicles.

My "Plasma Ambush" scenario at GenCon was 15mm, using old Traveller 15mm
figures. I have a full company of 15mm NAC and ESU figures that I still
to paint. I also have two full platoons of Japanese Corporate Mercs and
troopers in 25mm. 

I like both 15mm and 25mm SG2 games. For games with lots of vehicles
(such as
Plasma Ambush, with 4 APCs on one side and 2 grav APCs on the other) I
prefer 15mm. For large numbers of figures, I'll use 15mm too. 

25mm is nice aesthetically when you have a large table (conventions) or
small group of figures. But 15mm looks better from a ground scale to
scale perspective. I would play SG2 with 15mm only if there was a better
supply of 15mm sci-fi figures out there. The guys playing my scenario
universally fell in love with 15mm SG2. 

After I finally finish painting my FSE and NAC fleets I'm going to
kitbashing some Leopard II A5 KWS tanks into grav tanks. I have a
scenario in
mind where a commando team attacks a tank laager. I don't think it would
in 25mm with those great resin grav tanks. The tanks would just be
into each other all over the place. In 15mm it will work just fine.

Allan Goodall
Goodall's Grotto:

"Surprisingly, when you throw two naked women with sex
toys into a living room full of drunken men, things 
always go bad." - Kyle Baker, "You Are Here"

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