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Re: Minis

From: "Oerjan Ohlson" <oerjan.ohlson@t...>
Date: Thu, 2 Sep 1999 18:52:32 +0200
Subject: Re: Minis

Bulldog wrote:

> Anyone know where I can latch hold of the small (I think DS2 scale
> I'm not positive - that's what I want them for) Eldar Tempest (Grav
> Tank) like the Armourcast folks used to make (they made the big resin
> I don't know who made the small tank - maybe them too?). 

Heard of Games Workshop? <g> 

Armorcast makes/made 28mm versions of GWs 6mm tanks and titans; for
some reason GW themselves don't seem to have gotten into resin casting
at all. 

You're thinking of the old Tempest which went OOP when the latest Space
Marine incarnation (ie, Epic 40K) was published. However, GWUK Mail
Order probably still have the old moulds (ie, if they haven't worn out)
and can cast you new minis. It costs quite a lot, though (IIRC £6 per
model, plus shipping etc).


Oerjan Ohlson

"Life is like a sewer.
  What you get out of it, depends on what you put into it."
- Hen3ry

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