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Re: FT fighter combat (game idea) / FMA

From: Jon Davis <davis@a...>
Date: Thu, 26 Aug 1999 23:48:40 -0400
Subject: Re: FT fighter combat (game idea) / FMA

Thomas Pope wrote:
> "Bell, Brian K" wrote:
> >
> > What a great idea for GZG-ECC. Make a paper-mache  Jeanne D'Arc that
> > cover a table. Then use Escort size ships as fighters and conduct a
> Actually, if the FT starships really are 1/2000 as advertised, that's
> only 6.66 times bigger than 1/300 (unless my math is faulty).  That'd
> make the Jeanne D'Arc still a bit unwieldy, but anything from a
> to a destroyer wouldn't be unreasonable.

The interesting thing is that the scale for FMA is such that an FMA
scale carrier
would fit on one of the tables at the GZG East Coast Convention.  

One scenario that my group has postulated is an surprise boarding party
and an
attempt to seize the bridge from starting in the landing bays with the
crew and marines beginning to activate and becoming combat effective.


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