Re: FT: fighter combat, plasma torp as pulse torp
From: Thomas Pope <tpope@c...>
Date: Thu, 26 Aug 1999 15:47:39 -0400
Subject: Re: FT: fighter combat, plasma torp as pulse torp wrote:
> Individual fighter combat in FT? Please, NO! It ruined SFB for me.
> Don't ruin FT for me, also. If such a system sees print in an FT book
> then people will use it, no matter how much I'll argue against it. It
> seems to be the nature of the gaming beast. The squadron concept
> fine (IMHO).
I don't mean to replace the fighter resolution rules in Full Thrust with
individual fighter rules, I meant make a seperate game of individual
fighter combat. I think the fighter rules in FT work perfectly well,
especialyl for the abstraction level of fleet combat.
I'd just like to play a game with 1/300 scale fighters set in the Full
Thrust universe.
Thomas Pope
Human Computer Interaction Institute
Carnegie Mellon University