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Re: FTL Jumps and making it tricky...

From: Laserlight <laserlight@c...>
Date: Thu, 26 Aug 1999 06:36:06 -0400
Subject: Re: FTL Jumps and making it tricky...

 Ryan M Gill  said:

>Theoretically there would be more likely places that ships
could JUMP in.
>Pretty much where the planets and moons/asteroids aren't.

Which is pretty much everywhere.

>If jupiter and Saturn are on the other side of the Solar
Hemisphere, then
>it would stand to reason you could jump in there
safely...Put an
>interdictor ship there and it may cause problems when they
un fold space
>for that point...

Depends on what area you're thinking an interdictor can
cover, but you realize that Saturn at its closest to Jupiter
is still as far away as Jupiter is from the Sun?  Assigning
ships to cover the whole volume of space (rather than Jump
Points) is rather like assigning a few guys in Humvees to
cover the continent.

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