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Re: FMA Simple Skills

From: "Andrew Martin" <Al.Bri@x...>
Date: Fri, 20 Aug 1999 16:10:39 +1200
Subject: Re: FMA Simple Skills

Aron Clark wrote:
> Also I think that the way you've named the skill leads to confusion,
Elite Demolitions.  Is read better as Demolitions Master.  This avoids
confusion as to the moral Quality of the particular character.
> Sergeant Rork  Elite2
> Equipment - Partial Body Armor, Comm Link, Assult Rifle, 2 Shaped
> Skills - Demolitions Master
> Quote - "Let's blow this pop stand"
> Background - ect

	The skill is intended to be rolled at the figure's quality
Sergeant Rork rolls his quality D12 for his Demolitions skill. The
skill part comes in allowing the reroll of the quality die, or the
difficulty die, reflecting the better skill of Sergeant Rouk over other
Elite figures.

	Sergeant Rork
	Quality/Nerve/MOS: Elite 2 Demolitions
	Equipment: Partial Body Armor, Comm Link, Assault Rifle

Andrew Martin
Online @ 33,600 Baud!

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