Re: [FT] PBeM Game - BYOF
From: Dominic Robertson <nightwinder@g...>
Date: Wed, 18 Aug 1999 22:14:37 +1000
Subject: Re: [FT] PBeM Game - BYOF
Brian Bell wrote:
> Greetings,
> I am looking for 4-10 people to play a Play By E-Mail (PBeM) game.
> Each player will need to design a fleet of ships using the Fleet Book
> design system.
> Specifics:
> Total Fleet Points: 2500.
> Technology: Human Only. Open Genre (all human systems except AA Beam
> ADAF may be used). Fleet Book design rules.
> FTL: All ships must be FTL or be brought by an FTL ship in the 1st
> If a tug/tender is used, the tug/tender counts toward the total
> cost.
> All ships will arrive in the play area using FTL entrance rules
> on page 24 of FT including potential damage from proximity.
> Fleet Distribution: In order to make this a fleet oriented game,
> must distribute the mass of the fleet using the following
> For each ship of mass: 2 ships must be encluded of mass:
> 300+ 200 - 299
> 200+ 100 - 199
> 100+ 3 - 99
> Thus, if a player has a mass 300 ship, he/she must have 2 ships of
> mass 200-299, 4 ships of 100-199, and 8 ships of 3-99, for a total
> 15 ships. This should limit both the Uber dreadnought fleet and the
> gnat fleets. (Also see Flags)
> Fighters: Fighters must be brought onboard ships (not launched).
> Restock/Repair: Expendables will not be resupplied. Structual damage
> will not be repaired.
> Leaving the play area counts as a loss of ship.
> Turn Sequence: A modified turn sequence will be used. I expect to run
> turn per week.
> Flags: A flag is gained when your target fleet is reduced by 3/4 (by
> count, points or mass) of the target fleet's ships. 1/2 flag is lost
> for each ship that exits the game area. 1/2 flag is lost for
> damage against a ship NOT in the target fleet (or fleet
> that has targeted you). When a fleet looses it's flag, it is out of
> the game.
> Target Fleet: Each player will be give a Target Fleet to destroy. When
> you gain a flag for that fleet, a new Target Fleet wil be assigned
> (usually the one of the fleet that lost its flag).
> Victory: The person who collects the most flags wins.
> For those who were at GZG-ECC, this will be based on the BYOF game
that I
> ran there.
> Those who are running IE or NeoPlanet can find a ship generation
program at:
> ---
> Brian Bell
> ---
Sign me up.
Dominic "Who cares if firecontrol's down, ram them!" Robertson