Prev: Re: CGI FT starships (was :Re: A small request.... :-)) Next: Re: [FT] Full Thrust Lite?

Re: [FT] Full Thrust Lite?

From: Tom Anderson <thomas.anderson@u...>
Date: Tue, 17 Aug 1999 18:41:07 +0100 (BST)
Subject: Re: [FT] Full Thrust Lite?

On Mon, 16 Aug 1999, Donald Hosford wrote:

> The title Jon(gzg) put on it:  "Retro Thrust"
> I have it on my harddrive somewhere...couldn't find it though...
> I had to dig up the paper copy I have.  It's in the archives in the
> 16-18, 1997 file, "where this all started..."  Its about 1/3 from the
> top.
> It is the "bare bones" version of FT.

i've webbified it (mainly so i can read it myself), at:

i've made some changes consistent with the move from text to html, eg
replacing ALL CAPS TEXT with strongly-emphasised text, and putting in a
couple of lists and a table where appropriate.

if there's a copyright objection, let me know.


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