RE: Kudos!
From: "Robertson, Brendan" <Brendan.Robertson@d...>
Date: Tue, 17 Aug 1999 07:47:05 +1000
Subject: RE: Kudos!
The chance to get published?
You bet we wouldn't mind!
My name in 4 pt font at the bottom of the first page...
Neath Southern Skies
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Ground Zero Games []
> Sent: Monday, August 16, 1999 11:42 PM
> Well, not wanting to step on your toes, Tom, but just to add to the
> of
> ideas, how would the various contributors involved feel if we (GZG)
> to collect some of the AARs and scenarios for a hardcopy paper product
> some point?
> Jon (GZG)