Creating rivets
From: devans@u...
Date: Mon, 2 Aug 1999 12:50:06 -0500
Subject: Creating rivets
Here's a little something I passed on to John already, as it seemed OT,
but, as
the discussion continues...
---------------------- Forwarded by Doug Evans/CSN/UNEBR on 08/02/99
12:45 PM
Doug Evans
08/01/99 10:54 AM
Subject: Creating rivets
I've a friend that covered an Ork battle wagon
using neatly cut bamboo rods used for cotton swabs.
BIG rivets, and entirely bonkers for time, effort,
etc, even amongst the craziest at the game shop. Or
'the Club' as my SO calls it.
In a recent Sci-fi and Fantasy Modeler, a Brit
production, a guy doing a Victorian sci-fi ship,
while trying to make counter-sunk 'dimples' in a
sheet of polystyrene, discovered instead that his
little drill partially melted the plastic, and
formed little domes, perfect to his way of thinking,
for rivets. YMW(ill)V, and it still sounds like too
much like work for moi (I buy painted figs) but you
might give it a try.
If it works, please do mention it to the list, with
proper attribution to the mag.
RE: SFFM, the mag
The first three parts of the article were in the
last three consecutive issues. I don't have 'em here,
but they were in the mid-thirties. However, the
fourth and last article was NOT in the current issue,
and I'll be damned if I can find even a mention or an
apology for it not being there *sigh* Quite fetching
beast of an ether flyer they were building, too.