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Re: Overwatch counters. . .

From: Ground Zero Games <jon@g...>
Date: Fri, 23 Jul 1999 10:54:52 +0100
Subject: Re: Overwatch counters. . .

>    Though I understand that the level of detail desired in FMA is
>high, I don't like too many counters on the table (more than about 2
>figure is too many in my opinion).  I really don't see what is so hard
>using the figure as the guide. just decide that the way the face (or
>equivalent) is pointing is the facing for the model and use 180 or 90
>degrees from that, if need be clip the corner off of a piece of paper
>cardboard and use it as a 90 degree template when there are any
>Or, better yet just dice off any arguments, either high , or 50/50 or
>even/odd.  I would rather dice off or use a best guess than measure it
>a protractor and then have to argue that the chit was bumped.	Too many
>things (non-terrain/mini) cluttering up the playing area bothers me.
>My .02

Yes, in general I go along with this, which is why we are limiting the
counter use to one permanent marker per figure (the activation marker)
as few temporary ones as possible. However, there IS a need for a
marker to indicate WHEN a figure has been placed on overwatch, and if
can also be used to indicate an arc then so much the better. I agree
that a
single mark on the figure's base to indicate "front" might be useful, as
several things can then be judged from this, but some kind of overwatch
indicator will still be necessary for smooth functioning of the game.

Jon (GZG)
>Voivode Shrike (Ryan Fisk)
>"It's not denial.  I'm just very
> selective about the reality I accept."
>(Calvin and Hobbes, by Bill Watterson)

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