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Re: intro

From: "Christopher K Smith" <smithck@m...>
Date: Wed, 21 Jul 1999 18:37:56 -0500
Subject: Re: intro

> btw, I'm in Atlanta, Ga.

Hey someone that is actually close to me.  I am in Auburn, AL and there
zero players of DSII and FT around here.  At least as far as I know. 
used to be a game shop in town, but it was all GW.

Just to post something on topic, I downloaded a program called V-Map the
other day which has an FT tileset.  I was wondering if anyone would like
try a little PBEM.  Although it will have to be FT only, I have yet to
MT or the FB or SGII for that matter.  All of which I intend to pick up

Christopher K Smith
03ME Auburn University

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