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Re: What does FMA stand for?

From: Ground Zero Games <jon@g...>
Date: Tue, 20 Jul 1999 17:22:57 +0100
Subject: Re: What does FMA stand for?

>In a message dated 7/20/99 7:12:44 AM EST,
><<  As many wargamers fall into this category as
> well (at least to the public perception), and at least some of us
> able to take a joke even at our own expense, the Anorak has become a
> traditional symbol of the hobby... <grin> >>
>As in Miniature Wargaming (Brit) magazines are always asking "What
color is
>your anorak?" As in what are your obsessions?

Pretty much. In a similar way to which Anime fans (both in Japan and the
West) happily  refer to themselves as "Otaku" despite the term
having very negative connotations (obsessive etc.) to the "normal"
Blue and orange anoraks are the province of ramblers... real wargamers
brown or snot green ones, accompanied by ill-fitting jeans (often with
Builder's Cleavage in the back, though thankfully not used in this case
the traditional parking place for this morning's copy of The Sun), plus
archetypal NHS specs repaired with a bit of sticking plaster.... ;-)

Not that we're stereotyping, of course... :-)

Jon (GZG)

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