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Re: M-16 Replacement (yet another Popular Mechanics article)

From: Kenneth Winland <kwinland@c...>
Date: Sat, 17 Jul 1999 15:05:01 -0400 (EDT)
Subject: Re: M-16 Replacement (yet another Popular Mechanics article)


On Fri, 16 Jul 1999 wrote:

> That's 45,000 units by 2006. And comparing the cost to a stripped down
> isn't realistic. Compare it to the cost of an M-16 optimized with low
> vision scopes and grenade launcher where cost of the M-16 immediately
> pretty comparable to the projected new weapon. I am a fan of
simplicity in 
> weapons. The less there is to go wrong means a simple weapon works
> dep[endably. BUT some of the features of this new weapon are pretty 
> interesting.

	Jesus, last year they were going to commit to 20,000 units (as
reported by Jane's and Popular Mechanics).  They must be in love with
thing.... :)

	Comparing it to a basic M-16A2 is fallacy, but you could sort-of
compare it to an M-16A2 with all of the bells and whistles, and the new
battle-rifle is STILL expensive.  I have seen footage of the tests, and
while it works well in "demos", I have no doubt that this puppy is going
to have severe teething problems.


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