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Re: FMA skirmish questions

From: Thomas Pope <tpope@c...>
Date: Mon, 12 Jul 1999 09:11:55 -0400
Subject: Re: FMA skirmish questions

Ground Zero Games wrote:
> I meant single-shot as in a one-shot disposable, or something that
> reloading after 1 shot, eg: a single tube rocket launcher. An action
> firing with most other weapons is assumed to be several rounds fired

That brings up another question.  In a game of this scale it might be
good to keep track of ammunition in some fashion.

Perhaps the following could be used: Weapons are rated not in how many
rounds of ammunition but how many fire actions they have.  Just keep a
small stack (1-4) of chits with each soldier.  Once they're out, they
need to spend 1 action reloading (they are considered to have infinite
reloads however).

> Suggest 1 action to select grenade mode, then one to fire it (use
> grenade/rocket fire rules); this may seem harsh on a purpose-built
> weapon, but it may prevent munchkin abuse of always firing grenades
> than anything else.

This ties in well with my above comments, except the one action is for

This of course adds to the number of chits moving along with the
miniature, two stacks one for small arms ammo and one for the Grenade in
the launcher.  


Thomas Pope
Human Computer Interaction Institute
Carnegie Mellon University

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