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Re: FMA Skirmish question

From: devans@u...
Date: Thu, 8 Jul 1999 07:27:56 -0500
Subject: Re: FMA Skirmish question

>You don't think we gzg-l people could get a complete run-down of the
>FMA Skirmish rules, do you?  :o)

When I get the time to organise them into a useable external-playtest
version, maybe.... of course, I COULD always put the Fleet Book 2 on
while I did that, if you REALLY want....  <GRIN!!>

Jon (GZG)

Just what kinda flame war you trying to start?!?!?

Look, I personally felt badly when I heard how I had confused Bugs Don't
Surf with FB2. I have no need for BDS, but I know others were really
panting, and my fairly large alien fleets could continue to mothball if
I thought it'd help.

IF I didn't shudder with horror at the thought of the whinge I'd have to
suffer from Hobie.

Oh, well, St. Jon, work more, sleep less...


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