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RE: More Fighter questions

From: Binhan Lin <Lin@R...>
Date: Wed, 7 Jul 1999 14:59:00 -0600
Subject: RE: More Fighter questions

I seem to recall that the previous archived discussion had covered
systems such as parasite fighters, launch tubes, and recovery systems,
well as discussion on "jeep" carriers for transport of crated fighters.

Some of the ideas discussed IIRC were that fighter bays represented the
bay space required to arm and repair a fighter, not necessarily the
for the launch apparatus or recovery mechanism and that these items were
considered separate from but integral to the bays - in other words, the
represented the bays, but a launch/recovery unit was attached to every
or three bays, and that if you wanted more launch/recovery units there
house rules for adding those - especially parasite racks.

I just thought of another reason for Flat Tops in Space.  In non-combat 
the additional area provided by the large deck allows for easier
and movement of the fighters into the correct order for launch, in
work that doesn't require an atmosphere (burning in new systems, testing

etc) can be performed on the deck, freeing up valuable hangar space for
essential functions.

-----Original Message-----
From: []
Sent:	Wednesday, July 07, 1999 2:18 PM
To:	gzg-l@CSUA.Berkeley.EDU
Subject:	Re: More Fighter questions

In a message dated 7/7/99 3:13:10 PM EST, writes:

 We may try letting everything launch at once anyway.  I know the
 carrier I was on could launch many more than 12 planes in 15
 minutes, and that isn't even counting futuristic launch procedures.
 A B5 type launch facility (or the LAC setup in HH) could reasonably
 deliver 100 fighters in 10 minutes.

No doubt, but it might be best to visualize the technology first - and
try to describe it in terms of the rules. Does each fighter have it's
tube? Do they launch from the outer surface of the ship? Do they require
catapult? Can they launch on their own engine power? How are they
Then you can describe rules to facilitate playing within the time

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