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RE: balancing Fighters

From: devans@u...
Date: Tue, 6 Jul 1999 10:45:43 -0500
Subject: RE: balancing Fighters

In a modern sea battle, it hardly matters as long as the fighters
are in range of the Sea Dart/Cat or whatever other fast and accurate
AA missile the ship possesses. Though target aspect matters slightly to
chance of a kill, its less important that with gunnery deflection.

The list members who serve on *real* ships would have the real dope
on this situation, I've only played Harpoon and EF2000 :-)

Been long time since I played Harpoon, and never EF2000, but I was
thinking more of the CIDS, basically hail of shells at a missle. PSB
for it being only effective way of ship handling fighters is something I
could comfortably craft, I think.

However, I grant YMMV.


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