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Re: Replies to some recent postings! - Longish though

From: Brian Burger <yh728@v...>
Date: Wed, 30 Jun 1999 12:07:37 -0700 (PDT)
Subject: Re: Replies to some recent postings! - Longish though

On Wed, 30 Jun 1999, Thomas Barclay wrote:

> Brian Burger wrote:
> > 4. If you want to paint camo, but want something good looking and
> > maybe even with a flavor for the troop type you are painting, pick a
> > historical scheme.
> The late-WW2 German army produced some very interesting camo schemes -
> especially the SS units, for some reason. Splotch & tigerstripe
> schemes,
> 'ambush' schemes, load of others. Find a good color book of late-WW2
> German vehicles (Osprey or similar) and it'll provide you with loads
> and
> loads of camoflauging inspiration & information. Most of my troops in
> DS2
> & SG2 are done in camo schemes inspired by late-WW2 German
> paintjobs.
> -> Got any pics? My walkers and tanks are done in a German scheme, and
> my NSL infantry shall soon (relatively) be done in that WW2 SS Splotch
> pattern you are talking about. I use that cam scheme at paintball, and
> I love it.

Actually, I do have pics - see the Gallery on my website - I've also got
another roll of film in the camera right now, to expand on the Gallery &

The paint scheme on my 15mm NAC figs & vehicles is dark green base, with
long brown stripes & short, narrow black stripes & dots. It looks pretty
good. This is the most obviously ww2 inspired camo scheme, but none of
them are based on any specific patterning - just 'inspired by'...

The big '15mm' Irregular PA & vehicle is black based, with broad
green/grey areas bordered by narrow grey lines; the PA is black with
green/grey & grey blotches. The tank's pattern is almost more dazzle
patterning than straight camo, but it looks good too.

My third force (no photos yet) is brown based with dark green blotches &
stripes; most of the vehicles for that force are just plain green - the
green for this force is dark, with a slight blue shade to the green. It
looks /almost/ like the colour the Russians use on their vehicles.

> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> ----
> From: Gareth Perkins <>
> Subject: [SG2]Questions
>   Just a couple of quick questions about Stargrunt II.
>   First off, how do you people deal with buildings and
> such? To scale they should be about the size of 1/300th
> scale buildings (1" = 10m) but that seems silly when the
> models are 25mm high...
> -> Brian Burger has some good bunker rules which give some idea how to
> handle these. You eventually have to decide to play in figure scale,
> even with 60m long APCs and 200m big buildings...

My buildings (which are in a couple of the photos in the Gallery) are
built to figure scale (15mm); the largest of them is about 5"x5"; most
the rest are 4"x4" or less, down to about 2"x2" so far.

Height-wise, they're all about 1", give or take. That big warehouse (the
5x5 one) is about 2" high; the one two storey building is about 2" high
well, total.

For measuring dead zones behind buildings - esp. for shooting over a low
building from a taller one - we measure the distance from the wall of
structure that the firing squad is in to the farthest wall of the
along LOS - this distance then becomes the 'dead zone' out from the
farthest wall of the lower building.


Brian (			      
      - -
-SciFi & Fantasy Wargaming House Rules, Photos, GWAutobasher, & more-

>   One of the 'sample platoons' the ESU one if I recall
> includes a 20mm cannon (RFAC) for use with power armour -
> is this treated as a crew served weapon?
> -> Well, except that you wouldn't have movement restrictions. The PA
> is designed to carry it. Treat it (I think) as a vehicle mounted
> RFAC/1.
>   Speaking of the RFAC, why is it such a poor
> anti-personnel weapon? - all of the vehicle weapons use D8
> for their 'damage' even the RFAC (which one would expect to
> be at least more effective) and the DFFG (which was good as
> I recall in DS2)
> -> Why is a SAW mounted with even enhanced FC so much crappier than a
> normal saw (D10 FP replaced with D6 or D8 fire control die....)? Try
> this: Because you're aiming through electronics. And Impact? I assume
> your RFAC is firing APHE or something and so isn't good against
> infantry except through shrapnel. (Ask yourself why an infantry unit
> hit by a DFFG/3 rolls D8.... because it does.... even though a direct
> hit would vaporize an infantry man).
> An alternate solution would be this: If you have one hit, and your die
> total is double the defenders die total, then call it a contact hit.
> Then roll your vehicle impact (D10 or D12*weapon size class
> typically). Otherwise,
> it's a shrapnel hit. If you have multiple hits, and you roll more than
> double the defender, then you get one
> contact hit and a bunch of shrapnel hits. Else they all are shrapnel
> hits. You see, it actually seems that using even a DFFG against PA
> isn't all that effective in the normal rules. Whereas it can bake an
> infantry walker (size 1 vehicle). For the FP vs. Firecon issue, you
> might let the weapon fire with the higher die, or if you want to get
> complex, the higher die shifted down one if the other die (Firecon or
> Firepower) is lower in size. This would apply with SAW and HMG. To
> cover RFAC, I might give it an effective FP of 2D8.
>   What happened to the SLAM from DS2 - is it now treated as
> 'off-table support'?
> -> I have written, and run, some rules for SLAMs. I use a template,
> and then treat it much like an arty attack. If you'd like my rules to
> look at, or anyone else would, just email me. I'll get them out to you
> early next week when I'm back. I use the rockets on my aliens VTOL as
> a SLAM/3. The other set are GMS/H.
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> -------
> From: "Robert A. Crawford" <>
> Subject: Re: Painting Camouflage on figs/tanks
> -> Nice figs Robert! Are the Rivesco figs true 25mm like the GZG figs?
> I see some awfully good looking vehicles on their site. Could you drop
> me a mail off list and let me know what you think of their figs,
> quality control, service, etc.?
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> ---------
> From: "Robertson, Brendan" <>
> Subject: RE: [SG2] Questions
> One reason the RFAC & other vehicle weapons are so poor against
> infantry, is
> the fact it's an antivehicle weapon.	Hitting a vehicle with a direct
> hit is
> a lot easier than infantry, where you're more likely to try and hit
> them
> with the shell fragments by firing at their feet (sort of like a very
> big
> grenade).
> It may be a rapid fire autocannon, but the meaning is still relative.
> 2000
> rounds of .50 cal is more likely to hit a grunt than 200 rounds of
> 2.00 cal
> anti-tank rounds.
> -> You've obviously never watched the Canadian Forces film "Small Arms
> in the Anti Aircraft Role" where they show a PIVAD engage a line of
> trucks and infantry. The 20mm Rapid Fire Buzzsaw chops them in half.
> FAR more effective than a .50 HMG and far faster firing. RFAC/2 might
> be big and clunky, as might a 25mm or 30mm bushmaster style cannon.
> But any air defence gun or rapid fire cannon (or even a small MDC/GAC)
> would be devastating to infantry. I tell you, as a former part-time
> grunt, I'd surely not like anyone to point a Vulcan my way. Even
> without snazzy Firecon it'll chop the living crap out of anything it
> fires at. And if you happen to get hit with a 20mm shell, the shock
> from a hand hit could kill you (just like from a .50 BMG slug).
> -> My version of slams uses a template (nor a radius) since that seems
> appropriate. Sizes range from 3 to 5
> for SLAM so the template ranges from 3"x6" to 5"x10". I have rules for
> them attacking using similar (but not
> identical) rules to Arty, and for using either AP, AT, or DP rounds.
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> -----------
> You know what Commodore Dunsel says: Transport of grateful
> displaced colonists is the most intense R&R available.
> The_Beast
> -> ROFL. I'll bet most folk don't catch the reference here.... :)
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> ----------
> That's it. I'm outta here for a few days! Far thee well, List
> Brethren. (And I'd say Sistern, but
> isn't that a place where water is held?) (*wink*)

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