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Re: [FT] Sa'Vasku Fleetbook Style and FB2

From: Sean Bayan Schoonmaker <schoon@a...>
Date: Mon, 28 Jun 1999 20:21:22 -0700
Subject: Re: [FT] Sa'Vasku Fleetbook Style and FB2

>Some time ago, someone stated that they were going to try to convert
>Sa'Vasku from 2nd edition rules to Fleetbook style rules. Was this
>accomplished? If so, could someone provide the URL or E-mail me a copy
>the address below? Thanks in advance.

I've seen the said rules; they were playtested at GenCon last year. They
needed some more work at the time. The Sa'Vasku were WAY too powerfull.

The scenario, which pitted K'V vs. S'V turned into a serious schooling
the K'V. One of the most major problems was how threshold rolls were
handled. The S'V would not loose the current turn's "allocation" no
how damage they took. The regular FT analogy would be if you could still
get one last shot out of a system lost to damage if your ship hadn't
activated yet.

Their power regeneration was also too high. Facing 20 odd dice of
power for two or three turns running has the tendency to take the wind
of your sails.

Sadly, however, my copy is on paper. I'm sure it's in the archives,


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