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Fighters and carriers

From: "Izenberg, Noam" <Noam.Izenberg@j...>
Date: Thu, 24 Jun 1999 10:52:07 -0400
Subject: Fighters and carriers

My 2 cents - Fighters are slightly unbalanced in FT - probably should be
couple more points per group and per "enhancement". Regardless I like
for their flexibility and their game feel. In building a small FT nation
state, fighters give flexibility and power-projection to a small navy. 

As for carriers, the only objection I have to flat-tops is that they are
2-D for me. I'd love to see a carrier with vertical oriented  knife-edge
fighter deck - 2 landing surfaces - port and starboard. Mounting an
Inflexible on it's side is not what I have in mind.

I have one new fighter rule I've been batting around as well - the
or Fient. Allows fighters that are targeted by overwhelmin opposition to
sacrifice their attack for greater chances at survival. 

Breakoff/Feint: Fighters attacking ships or dogfighting may breakoff
attack. This occurs after PDS and other anti-fighter weaponry is
but before they are fired. Fighters breaking off burn endurance as if
had made their attack, but do not get to fire their weapons. PDS and
dogfighting fighters vs. Feinting fighters behave as Class 1-as-PDS (1
on 5 or 6, no reroll). Class 1-as-PDS hits only on a 6. Interceptors vs.
Feinting fighters dogfight as normal fighters. Anti-fighter "overkill"
PDS that scores over 6 pts of damage) cannot be applied to Feinting


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