Re: OGRE stuff
From: John Crimmins <johncrim@v...>
Date: Mon, 14 Jun 1999 18:09:24 -0400
Subject: Re: OGRE stuff
> Masters were made for the Chinese and Japanese OGRE cybertanks
>(and you could play withe them back at GenCon '95 and '96). Simtac
>some nice large vehicles tht could easily pass for cybertanks.
> Of course, based on their queality track record, I am sure GZG
>would produce some *keen* designs! :)
> Ken
Maybe I'm crazy, but I would have sworn that GZG *did* make an Ogre at
point. It was a two piece resin model, with four seperate tread units
the bottom half an Ogreish primary battery in the front, two missile
in the back, and a very short tower on the top. I have one myself,
obtained several years ago from Stan Johansen -- the first American
importer of GZG, if I recall correctly. It's still sitting in a drawer,
screaming for a decent paint job....
I assume that this piece is now oop?
John X Crimmins
" one of the secret masters of the world: a librarian.
They control information. Don't ever piss one off."
--Spider Robinson, The Callahan Touch.