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[OT] The Ythri (was: RE: An introduction)

From: "Just when I was getting used to yesterday, along came today" <KOCHTE@s...>
Date: Wed, 09 Jun 1999 09:52:22 -0500 (EST)
Subject: [OT] The Ythri (was: RE: An introduction)

Jonathan Jarrard <> writes:
>You have a copy of THE YTHRI???  Can you scan the cover and put it up
>somewhere?  I used to love looking at that game on the shelf at the
>Dragon's Lair in Detroit, but that was back when I had NO money, so I
>never did pick it up.
>> M 'who just found his old, unplayed copy of "The Ythri"' k

I'll try to get it scanned in, sure. (this is the only edition I am
aware of of the game, and the cover was done by our own Nyrath, as
he later mentioned in this thread)

"Fear holds us and binds us and keeps us from growing.	It kills a small
piece of us each day.  It holds us to what we know and keeps us from
what's possible, and it is our worst enemy.  Fear doesn't announce
it's disguised and it's subtle.  It's choosing the safe course; most of
feel we have 'rational' reasons to avoid taking risks.	The brave man is
the one without fear but the one who does what he must despite being
To succeed you must be willing to risk total failure."
		-Raymond Feist

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