Re: An introduction
From: Adrian Johnson <ajohnson@i...>
Date: Tue, 08 Jun 1999 16:02:53 -0400
Subject: Re: An introduction
Well, back in my day, we just had dirt. Nothing else. Just dirt.
Roleplaying was conducted by sitting around in a circle, and scratching
the dirt with your finger. Adding rocks and twigs and bits of mammoth
were significant innovations.
Actually, I'm only 30 so I'm just barely into the "older person"
on the list - I didn't realize that there were so many old guys <G>
>there are some of us who are barely embryonic, too. it's sort of a
>of two worlds out here ...
>heh, maybe us youngsters should do the same. "i learned to read six
>ago and started off playing Gorkamorka ...".
>i'm only just 19 (but i have learned to walk, and i can just about
>my own name :)
I think it would be safe to divide the list membership up into "PRSW"
"POSW", and "PASW".
That would be "Pre-Star Wars", "Post-Star Wars", and "Parent at Star
If, like young Tom here, you were born after the release of Star Wars,
may indeed be able to write your own name. Maybe. You probably don't
any recollections of the boom in the Role Playing world at the end of
70's and beginning of the 1980's. You won't remember GW as just another
gaming company, and probably won't remember the original releases of all
the great Steve Jackson small plastic boxed games like CarWars, Ogre,
and supplements like TruckStop...
OK, so this thread is desperately off topic, but what the heck. It's
generated more traffic on the list today than we've seen in a while, and
it's nice to take a break from being "official" for a while :)
Adrian Johnson
Just drink beer. It will all go away if you drink beer.