Re: Hard Sci-Fi Role Playing Games...
From: Medains <medains@i...>
Date: Fri, 04 Jun 1999 16:03:20 +0100 (BST)
Subject: Re: Hard Sci-Fi Role Playing Games...
On 04-Jun-99 Jonathan Jarrard wrote:
> Sorry, almost forgot. If you're going for REALLY near-future, with
> minimal sci-fi elements, I heartily recommend MILLENIUM'S END from
> Chameleon Eclectic. It is intended for mercs, agents, and special ops
> in the first quarter of the next century, and has some of the nicest
> firearms and close combat rules I've seen. So far, it's a little
> on vehicle rules, though.
I second that recommendation.. and note that the Millenium's End Gm's
contains many maps of common modern buildings as well as a small
(as I recall.. haven't opened my copy in a while) and is a good
investment for
anyone wanting to run modern/near future games.
ps - if you didn't know an Onomastikon is a dictionary of names.. there
also some excellent ones on the web.
E-Mail: Medains <>