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Re: HKP's (was....]

From: "Robert A. Crawford" <crawford@i...>
Date: Wed, 2 Jun 1999 20:38:41 -0400
Subject: Re: HKP's (was....]

On Wed, Jun 02, 1999 at 10:29:58PM +0100, Ground Zero Games wrote:
> Just to set the record straight, the HKP was "inspired" by the
> hypervelocity antitank guns in one of the Slammers books (The Warrior,
> IIRC); in the book they used a tiny plasma burst rather than a chem
> explosive, to propel a small calibre osmium round that penetrated and
> killed with KE alone. Don't know how practical this is/would be, but
> sounded a cool idea so it went into the game!!  :-)

	I think that was "The Forlorn Hope" -- actually a non-Slammers
book, but set in the same universe.

"Hey, is that sheep OK? It looks kinda wired."

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