RE: [DS] Calling all used tank salesmen
From: Mike Wikan <MWikan@m...>
Date: Tue, 25 May 1999 10:30:20 -0700
Subject: RE: [DS] Calling all used tank salesmen
I have used often in the past an EXTREMELY expensive force of GRAV MBTs
MICVs armed with MDC weapons and lavishly equipped with Stealth and ECM
along with Reactive armor. I had two Squads of Three Razorwing Class
(Size 4, MDC/2 (t) carrying PA Infantry) get fired on by Thirty GMS/Ls
only one loss (much to the consternation of my opponent who had a
defending force of low tech GMS armed vehicles with light infantry)
Michael Wikan
Game Design
Slave Zero
"Nec Aspera Terrent"
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Ndege Diamond []
> Sent: Monday, May 24, 1999 11:24 PM
> To: gzg-l@CSUA.Berkeley.EDU
> Subject: [DS] Calling all used tank salesmen
> Hello all,
> It's been kinda quiet on the list lately. To provoke some discussion
> was
> wondering if any of you Dirtside players out there had some design
> philosophies that you have found to be effective.
> I recently bought a bunch of Future Wars miniatures and acquired a
> Centurion boxed set with most of the plastic tanks on the sprues. I
am in
> the final phase of painting them up and now I have to give them some
> stats.
> I went to Andy Cowell's Dirtside II Page to get some inspiration but
> found
> that the vehicle showcase link was dead. I am wondering if anyone
> of
> a similar showcase or just wants to share their best designs. If it
> I have a Grav/GEV heavy force.
> Of course, I am always interested in tactics. Especially those that
> with taking on a larger, cheaper force of tracked vehicles and powered
> infantry.
> I'm not asking for too much now am I?
> Senior Lurker,
> Ndege Diamond