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Re: 40K to SG2

From: "Jerry" <jerrym@c...>
Date: Sat, 22 May 1999 00:26:47 -0400
Subject: Re: 40K to SG2

>I've tried a few of these conversions.  Some observations:
>1) Try to draw straight line parallels.
>    Assume Stargrunt troops are roughly equivalent to Imperial Guard
>regulars with basic battle dress and FP2 AP D8 rifles).
>   Make Space Marines wear light slow power armour, and Termnators wear
>heavy slow power armour.  Make jump packs fast power armour.  Marines
>definitely veterans to the IG regulars.
>   Make vehicles like dreadnoughts, as vehicles.

Since Space Marine armor only provides great protection AND a sealed
environment but does NOT enhance Space Marines in Melee combat (in 40K)
why make it like SGII "Powered Armor"?	Just make it tough armor.  The
Terminators on the other hand....

>2) Change the psychology.  Stargrunt is a game decided by its model of
>psychology on the battlefield.  Space Marines don't have that same
>psychology.  They aren't pinned, they don't use cover, they are easy to
>They don't carry wounded, nor do losses particularly phase them.  Play
>around with this.
>Marines also don't have the same command structure; definitely limit
>transfer actions or you'll have too many chiefs and hyperactive
>Maybe no communications; must be within 6".

Yes and no...	Marines can get "pinned" in 40K provided they get shot
enough (that silly stand and fire thing).  I Just made Marines ignore
suppression on minor results but they get supressed on a major result,
whether a casualty was caused or not.	If you read the OLD 40K Marine
stuff, they never left a "Brother Marine" behind.  The "geneseed" was
valuable to leave on the battlefield, Marines DO have medics, so I have
disagree with the "don't carry wounded and not worried about
losses"....they're are so FEW of them.

>3) Looks for the loopholes and try to reasonably plug them.  Marines,
>example, have no dedicated anti-air weapons or guided missiles in 40K. 
>SG2 rules, they can't hit or target any airborne vehicle.  In 40K, they
>Either say they have targeters in their PA to track air targets, or
>a few guided missiles in their normal missile launcher kit.

Why can't the Marine misslie weapon be a GMS/P?   I works for me...and
40K doesn't even attempt air support or offboard arty.	that shouldn't
you in a SG2 game within the 40K background...hell..spice it up!!

Please look and respond to my conversions at my web site.   I've done
Orks, Marines and Nids. (each with their own "special" rules)  I'd be
willing to do the Imperial Guard and Chaos if someone wanted to lend me
books for awhile (I'll send them back!!!...cause I hate 40K..the
game...)  I really just need them to get an idea of how they work and
their organization might be GW ever thought of something

Jerry the Slightly Mad...

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