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Langston Field Generator

From: "Phillip Pournelle" <emisle@e...>
Date: Thu, 13 May 1999 22:01:43 -0700
Subject: Langston Field Generator

    I've been off the list for a month or so as I changed my duty
stations.  Now I'm in Newport, Rhode Island.  I've been thinking of how 
I'd like to model the Langston Field in Full Thrust.  Here's my idea.
    Langston Field is an energy field that absorbs kinetic energy, light
energy and most other forms of energy ( gravity in particular is not
absorbed and neither are Alderson waves).  It starts out as a black
spherical field and will change colors as it gains energy going from
Black(infra-red radiation) to Violet.  At the same time, the field will
attempt to radiate the energy off into space as heat.  Most fields
collapse before they reach white.  When the field collapses, all of the
collected energy is directed into the ship that it surrounds, destroying
it.  Additionally, as the shield gains more energy it becomes harder and
harder to manipulate and maintain.  Normally small holes can be
temporarily opened for sensors and weapons to fire out of.  As it gets
hotter, this becomes more difficult.
    Langston Field:  Mass: 10 Cost: 60 Full Thrust points.
    For each Langston Field generator build four rows of ten diamonds
(just like hull boxes) to represent the field absorption chart.  Each
Langston Field can absorb up to 40 points of damage before collapsing. 
When this occurs, all 40 points go immediately into the Hull (not
armour).  Each Langston field can radiate 5 points of damage each turn
(wait a full turn from the first attack to start bleeding).  Each
Langston Field can absorb up to 10 points of damage in a single turn,
any damage in excess of this goes into the hull and or armour, this
models the burn through factor where a local spike occurs before the
field can distribute the energy.  When the field is on and no damage has
been done the ship gains one level of stealth, this models the active
and passive energies being absorbed into the field.  After the first
five points of damage this advantage is lost.  For each row filled on
the field absorption chart the ship has a negative stealth shift, due to
other ships being able to see this bright shining object even easier. 
When the first row on the field absorption chart is filled, the ship
cannot use any passive detection systems.  When the second row on the
field absorption chart is filled, the ship cannot use any sensor
systems, only fire control systems on ships it already is tracking. 
When the third row on the field absorption chart is filled, the ship
cannot maneuver or fire. When the final row on the field absorption
chart is filled, the field collapses, the generator is destroyed, all 40
points are applied as hull damage, and if the ship somehow survives,
roll an additional threshold check on all systems as if it lost another
hull row.
    Multiple generators may be purchased and effectively combine their
rows (2 generators give four rows of 20, etc.)

    I would appreciate your thoughts.

	Phil Pournelle

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