Re: [FT]United Nations?
From: Tom Granvold <thomas.granvold@e...>
Date: Sat, 1 May 1999 15:47:29 -0700 (PDT)
Subject: Re: [FT]United Nations?
> Say Jon(GZG)?
> Have a question for you.
> I was resently rereading the FT timelines. (in the books) And a
> thought struck me...
> How did the UN survive the colapse of the USA? Here and now, the USA
> pays a substantial amount of the member dues. (My friend -- who knows
> more about this than I do -- says it is in the area of 70%. There are
> lot of counties around the world that refuse to pay their member
> dues... The US feels that if we pay their dues for them, they will
> involved, and we can keep an eye on things...)
Nope, your friend has it wrong. The USA isn't paying its dues while
most other countries do.
Tom Granvold <>