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Re: Spaceship Pictures

From: The Caldwells <clcaldwell@p...>
Date: Sat, 01 May 1999 13:10:51 -0500
Subject: Re: Spaceship Pictures

Thank you for posting this!  I had lost track of Gametech for their Sky
Galleons of Mars line.	I'm glad they have a web site now.


At 11:06 AM 4/27/99 -0700, you wrote:
>>	Hey folks.  I was wondering if anyone out there knows of a web
page that
>> has pictures of the BL5 ships that are available?  If so can you let
>> know please?
>>	Also wondering if anyone has had trouble getting the RAFM web
page to work
>> correctly?  I cant get the darn thing to do anything but show a
>> counter the changes its numbers non stop.  I would love to be able to
>> pics of the Silent Death ships that are out there but no luck.
>    To honk my own horn, try my web site.  Along with the list of
>miniatures and games, I've got pictures of many of them.  IF the name
>a spaceship is a link then just click on it to get the pictures.
>   The Babylon 5 ships are at:
>   The Silent Death ships are at:
>Tom Granvold				<>
Nick Caldwell

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